A creative Minecraft 1.20.4 server for transportation and city-building enthusiasts.
A creative Minecraft 1.20.4 server for transportation and city-building enthusiasts.

Member Applications are OPEN, /spawn is back, and day-night cycle is on!

Hey everyone,

Member applications are now OPEN again! Head over to the How To Join page to fill out an application.

Also, we’ve re-allowed the /spawn command for Guests and Members. Most players were falling into the void or killing themselves to get back to spawn anyway, so we thought to make this easier for them. 🙂

Also also, we’ve removed permanent daylight on the server, the sun now rises and sets as normal. Check out all the buildings at night, they look really cool!

On a side note, we’re still waiting for various things before we update the server to 1.3, including Bukkit, the Bukkit plugins we use, as well as the Minecraft 1.3.2 patch. Expect the server to be at 1.2.5 for a few more weeks.
