A creative Minecraft 1.20.4 server for transportation and city-building enthusiasts.
A creative Minecraft 1.20.4 server for transportation and city-building enthusiasts.

A whole slew of announcements! (Including NEW Winter Events Week registration!)

Hey all,

First, I hope you guys are enjoying Minecraft 1.4.5. Again, please let us know of any issues you’re seeing. I’m planning on submitting bug reports this weekend for everything that seems to be going wrong, so please send emails to admin@ with bug details. We’ve been made aware of the bug where you can’t break a minecart with one hit, so thanks for letting us know.

Second, I’ve closed the form for submitting name suggestions for B12, Y14, G16, G15-R6 and B14-Y16. Of course you are welcome to let us know of further ideas in-game. It looks like we will be able to rename at least one station if not two. We’ll let you know via the Snapshot week 18.

This week’s Snapshot will be a little different. First, I will be recording 45 minutes earlier than usual: beginning at 10:15 pm GMT, immediately after the 10pm GMT backup, and second, I’m recording at a studio set kindly made by godzilltrain rather than Studio Chief. There will be a sign warp at spawn approximately 15 minutes before recording starts. Also, the featured station will be Y8, and video-bombing will be allowed there rather than at the studio.

And finally, on to Winter Events Week! Please note that these times are subject to change. If they do, we’ll get word out to you as fast as possible.

  • Sunday: Revelation of Thomas’ adventure map. Thomas has kindly made a fun adventure map for us all to try out. Full instructions will be given to you on Sunday right outside the cyan exit of Spawn (located near the Skyline Bar & Grille).
  • Monday: Spleef Tournament! We will be having only one tournament this time, and it’s at 9:00 PM GMT. You can register for it here if you have Member or higher rank on the server, and the structure and rules are just like last time. This will be streamed on Chief’s twitch.
  • Tuesday (NEW!): Connect 4 and Tic-Tac-Toe Tournament! These tournaments will start at 8:00 PM GMT, and you can register for it here. Guests are welcome to enter in these tournaments, and they will take place at the Redstone Gaming Centre (which already has a warp from spawn).
  • Wednesday: PVP Tournament! We are pleased to announce our first official PVP tournament to be held at the Wishington PVP arenas, built by conductor MinecraftYoshi26. Please register online here. Your arena will be randomly decided by random.org, and everyone will have the same item kit. The first round is at 9:00 PM GMT.
  • Thursday: Deal or No Deal (TENTATIVE) If you are interested in playing Deal or No Deal, please register online here and download the Mumble client for free. Our Mumble server connection information can be found on the blue and green boards in Spawn, and just ask any staffer for the password. Games will take place throughout the day when the server is in high traffic. Please note: if demand is low or logistics become a problem, we may cancel this event. You only need to register if you want to be able to play the game – anyone is welcome to join the audience with no registration required. This will be streamed on Chief’s twitch.
  • Friday: Parkour races! Test out your parkour skills on the Y10 Parkour Course. You’ll be racing through one of the courses in a time-trial fashion, starting at 11:00 PM GMT in 1-minute intervals. Instructions will be given at 11:00 PM GMT, so make sure you’re online then! Please register here to participate.
  • Saturday: Track and Field! We’ll be having some fun on the track, doing some weird events: 100m dash, 100m Pig Dash, 100m Hurdles, and long jump. Please register online here. Events start at 11:00 PM GMT.

If any of these things sound fun, please register here. Form entries for each event will close about 20-24 hours before the event starts, so get your registrations in early.

If you registered on the old form, you will need to register again, because the new form has fields for preferences of things like start pad, arena, and track events.

You can also register using the embedded form here. Hope to see you on the server!

— chief