Edit: Some additional information has been added to these results on January 23rd. These additions are marked in pink.
Hi everyone,
The first General Staff Meeting of the new year has concluded, and here are the results. As always, you can listen to the public portion of the meeting here.
Future of the Server
First off, the server will NOT be closing anytime soon. Our current lease for the Gamma Server expires in April, but I (Frumple) should be able to continue paying for the server past that date.
However, the Gamma Server is starting to run out of disk space, mainly because of increasing disk usage from the wiki. This has made it increasingly difficult to produce backups of the server, and host the beta server on the same machine. The Gamma Server currently runs off an SSD, but I am considering options to set up a new server with a traditional hard drive instead. This will give us much more disk space that should fit our needs for the foreseeable future, but comes with the cost of longer times for in-game world saves. Hopefully in the next months, I will come to a decision on this and possibly start setting up the new server. Stay tuned on here for updates.
Future of MRT Mail
More details about the MRT Mail Hub can be heard in the public portion recording from thomasfyfe, but basically the huv will be reconstructed in the next few months to reflect the decreasing the usage of the hub for personal mail, and to reduce the amount of maintenance work required for the Mail Hub staff.
Thomas has made available a Google Doc that outlines these plans, which can be viewed here. You may also leave any comments on the document, as your feedback is appreciated.
Town Auctions
Two towns were considered for auction for this meeting:
- Panther Town (P9), originally owned by mrpanther85, has been given to _Kastle.
- VoltsSphere (T24/A19), originally owned by David_Pat21, will remain unclaimed and put on the auction for next month’s GSM. If you are interested in claiming ownership of this town, please e-mail staff.
Three road projects were considered for this meeting:
A50 Ownership
Ownership of the A50 “Great Southern” highway, previously built by mine_man_, has been granted to MRTKeikoku (formerly known as KaizoWarning, MRTWarning). MRTKeikoku will be responsible for completing the highway according to the original specifications.
B72 Kenthurst to Ezzo City
A short B-Road connecting Kenthurst (XW10) east with Ezzo City (XW12) has been approved.
A28 from Armada to Ellesume
A proposal to build an A-Road from Armada to Ellesume has been rejected. The project proposer has been notified by e-mail as to the reasons for the rejection.
Other Projects
Three other projects were considered for this meeting:
Kenthurst-Formosa-Sealane Canal
This small canal project has been approved.
Vermillion Gateway Airport Expansion
The expansion of this airport has been approved.
Laclede “Harry S. Truman” Airport
The construction of this airport has been approved, with the addition that the area of the airport can be further expanded south to reach the river.
/pweather command is now enabled
The /pweather command is now enabled for all players! Similar to /ptime, /pweather allows players to set their in-game weather within their Minecraft client without affecting anything server-side. Type in /pweather help in-game. for more info.
City Rank Candidate Batch #5 is now open
The next City Rank Candidate Batch is now open for submissions. The relevant dates for this batch are as follows:
- Submissions close by: February 5th, 2016 by 11:59 PM PST
- Admod voting begins on: February 6th, 2016
- Admod voting ends on: February 12th, 2016 by 11:59 PST
- Promotions are granted on February 13th, 2016.
That’s all for now.