A creative Minecraft 1.20.4 server for transportation and city-building enthusiasts.
A creative Minecraft 1.20.4 server for transportation and city-building enthusiasts.

June 18, 2016 GSM Results

Hi all!

Frozen here with the results of the June GSM. Here are the announcements and results from the recent General Staff Meeting. As always, the recording for the public portion will be made available soon (Pay attention to this post for a update here with the link to the recording).

War Role-play and Scenes (Yes, Again.)

We have received continued complaints about war role-play in general, more specifically on the establishment of alliances and the mass updates to the Wiki of those alliances. We would like to remind you guys that War Scenes are still allowed, but please abide by server rules. As a reminder:

  • Excessive armor stands causes lag, and is not allowed.
  • Leaving war scenes, damage, and mess around for a long period of time (they can remain for a week maximum).
    • Note that “War Scenes” includes battle simulations, missiles, and police/SWAT Forces in cities.
  • Frequent edits to wiki. Do edits one-at-a-time, not as a running commentary of the war.
  • Use project chats for any type of war chatter to free up the main channel for those who are not interested in such role plays.
  • Tidy up after yourself
  • Be courteous to other players by not forcing them to take a side or be included in the “fight”.
  • Keep it civil, and remember: It’s just a game.

Remember, we announced at the last GSM that when it comes to evaluating towns for promotions, staff are in agreement that war scenes detract from the overall ambiance of the town. Therefore, when submitting your town for evaluation, it would be in your best interest to remove such scenes to have the highest chance of being approved for promotion.

General Issues with Towns and Roads

There has been some issues popping up with members and how they are building towns, so we remind you all to:

  • If you are building a B-Road, you will still need a staff email approval if it is longer than 500 blocks even though it connects to an A-Road. If it is less than 200-300 blocks and/or connects to an A-roads, you do not need our approval.
  • Respect the 300 blocks rules while establishing your town. If it is less than 300 blocks, ask the mayor of the town for permission to build close to their towns. If the town mayor or deputy mayor is inactive, then do not break this rule whatsoever.
  • Do not connect or modify an inactive town period, even if it’s to run an B-Road through it.
  • If doing an modification to an MRT rail route that requires major changes with elevation, visual, or alignment; always ask staff first. Do not go ahead and do it even if it is in your town.
  • Any warps that act like transportation must have physical connections at all costs(Roads to link buses and taxis, water to link ferries, runways to link airplanes).


A bit of change to the A-Road process. For all proposals, Staff will move towards proposing shorter A-road segments rather than entire roads. This will ensure that roads are getting completed and on-time. What this means is that you can propose a longer road for planning purposes, and the staff will then break it up in segments where you must complete the road first, contact us via email to inform us that you have completed the segment, and get approval to continue to the next. This will not require an GSM approval to proceed to the next segment. Staff also now reserves the right to instantly select a new player to take over an A-road project if sufficient progress hasn’t been made on an A-road after 3 months without any question asked.

Now, onto the New Routes that are announced:

  • A1 Completion: Cortesi, Jphgolf4321, and Narnia17 will work together to complete this essential link to the North.
  • A169 (however its routing number is pending approval) will link Lacelde to Lanark.
  • A575 is approved, as per its very lengthy and impressive proposal. It will act as an alternative route of A5 to serve some Desert Line cities more directly.

Town Auction Results

Congratulations to all who is now the new mayor of the following stations:

  • C109 – Will go to Soleurs.
  • C113 – Will go to Earack.
  • C85 Xandar-Vekta – Will go to AlikSong.
  • M31 – Will go to MishkaMan.
  • M34 – Will go to AEHub.

The following cities will require more discussion with those who bidded for it:

  • A27 Lancaster –  Ardyle, subject to requirements, is the leading bid.
  • M33 – Hacks_On_Wax_Off, subject to requirements, is the leading bid.

Both members will need to talk with an staff member before the bid can become more official.

The following cities has its auction claims deferred to the next GSM due to various reasons:

  • C33 Phos City – will not be auctioned off. It will be deferred to the next GSM.
That’s all for now. Let it go, will you?

-Frozen, MRT Admin