Hi all,
We are sad to announce that, effective May 2, AlikSong has stepped down from his role as administrator due to time commitments and real-life obligations. Alik will be staying on as a moderator and will still be on every now and again. We’re grateful for all he has done in his brief service in the role and are excited to continue working with him as a moderator.
Over the next few weekends we will be jam-packed with events, so we hope you’re able to take a break from your studies or other obligations and join us for:
- The Mole 9, Session 3: begins Saturday, May 5 at 7pm UTC
- May 2018 General Staff Meeting: begins Sunday, May 6 at 7pm UTC
- X TacoBurritoAThon: begins Saturday, May 12 at 7pm UTC
- The Mole 9, Sessions 4 and 5, as needed: dates and times to be announced
- Summer Olympics: starting May 27, 2018
- June 2018 General Staff Meeting: tentatively scheduled for June 16 at 7pm UTC
All of these events will be live-streamed and archived by various members – some by Frumple, and others by the MBS team. Thank you in advance to the event hosts and stream hosts for putting these on!
Because of the short notice, the May GSM topic submission cutoff time has been extended to Saturday, May 5 at 7pm UTC (24 hours in advance, not 48). You will then have until 5pm UTC on Sunday, May 6 (2 hours before the meeting starts) to challenge town auctions or alert us of omitted topics. Please watch Discord for the agenda to be released there.
Note that F15-P17 is up for general auction. This means that if you are interested in taking over ownership of this station, please email the staff to have your name added.
If you’re looking for a Premier review, be sure to submit a review request by the submission cutoff.
Though we’re not actively seeking moderators, we are happy to take nominations if you have them. Check out what we’re looking for, and if someone comes to mind, please email the admins.