Pretty short meeting if I say so myself. Not too many topics so this will be a short one to write 🙂
Moving the People
PtldKnight‘s proposal to start a bus service to connect all the major transit hubs in Central City was approved. Staff approved Ptld to start service with his own company for now but stipulated that the service should be integrated with CentralLink once cleared up with AP_Red.
CodyHM/DNAmaster10 proposed the A892 Phase 2 and A980 extension. This was approved. A892 Phase 2 will connect the two termini in Winterville and Rank Resort. A980 will be extended from Niwen and intersect the A892 near Rank Resort.
HarborRandom852 proposed the B95 extension and the creation of B963. B963 was approved fully and B95 was approved up the B963 intersection near New Miu Wan. Further north extension of B95 was denied given the lack of established ranked towns.
Riding along the Lakeshore
autobus22 and his staff sponsors (hvt2011 and DintyB) have finished the Zephyr North/Lakeshore extension! The stations along the extension have been allocated as follows:
- ZN41: Oparia Seaport
- ZN40: Oparia Downtown
- L0/ZN39: Oparia LeTourneau International Airport
- LW1/ZN38: frogggggg
- LW2/ZN37: _fwis
- LW3/ZN36: ModernArt
- LE1: Not requested, will become available to claim on a first-come-first-serve basis after the ISM.
- LE2: _Ludus
- LE3: EliteNeon (pre-existing town of New Mackinaw)
- LE4: HarborRandom852
- LE5: CodyHM
And that’s it. We’ll see you at the October GSM on October 10th!