A creative Minecraft 1.20.4 server for transportation and city-building enthusiasts.
A creative Minecraft 1.20.4 server for transportation and city-building enthusiasts.

Central City Retail Building Competition Judging

Organized by Frosty_Creeper10. Judges are frogggggg, London150, and ModernArt. A building competition is being held in the mall near the SW Terminal in Central City! The competition will be held […]

November 2017 General Staff Meeting: Asia-Pacific Edition

Note that this GSM starts at 12pm UTC, instead of the usual time of 7pm UTC. This is to allow for staff and members who live in Asia and Australia to attend. Other timezones: 4am PST 7am EST 8pm Singapore 11pm Sydney

VIII TacoBurritoAThon

Fort Yaxier

Application to play: https://goo.gl/forms/Lp7pgaLva1yHUwke2 Application to sponsor: https://goo.gl/forms/SWOI7bIPXf6L4qUt2 Discord invite: https://discord.gg/cDhRxku (Joining the Discord is required in order to participate) Prize money is normally around $300 but is fluid and depends on the amount of sponsorship revenue that is taken in. It is split among the members of the winning team.