A creative Minecraft 1.20.4 server for transportation and city-building enthusiasts.
A creative Minecraft 1.20.4 server for transportation and city-building enthusiasts.

MRT 6th Anniversary Events Schedule

Hi all,

The MRT Server turns a whopping 6 years old this Friday, July 13th!

To celebrate this occasion, we are organizing several official server events during the week. Here is the schedule:

DateTime (UTC)EventOrganizer
Sunday, July 87:00 pmBuild CompetitionTom_Pairs
Thursday, July 127:00 pmThe Weakest LinkJust_robinho
Friday, July 137:00 pmSecret HitlerFrumple
11:00 pmPVP "Death Arena"Tom_Pairs
Saturday, July 147:00 pmThe Amazing Race 9MinecraftYoshi26
11:00 pmBootleg Telephone & Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toemegascatterbomb
Sunday, July 157:00 pmJackbox GamesFrumple
  • 7 pm UTC = 12 pm PDT = 3 pm EDT = 8 pm BST = 3am (+1) Singapore
  • 11 pm UTC = 4 pm PDT = 7 pm EDT = 12 am (+1) BST = 7 am (+1) Singapore

Details for each of these events will be added below (and announced on Discord) as they become available:

Build Competition

  • This competition organized by Tom_Pairs will consist of two rounds: a speed round and a long round.
  • In the speed round, players will be given a subject at the start and they will have 15 minutes to build it. At the end of 15 minutes, Tom_Pairs and any non-participating spectators present will judge the builds. The winner will be awarded $200 of in-game money.
  • In the long round, participants in the speed round can then improve on their build. They will be given until Friday, July 13th to complete their build, at which point Tom_Pairs will judge the builds. The winner will be awarded $500 of in-game money, and the build will be moved into an empty lot in Central City.

The Weakest Link

  • An elimination gameshow consisting of nine contestants similar to the IRL show of the same name, organized by Just_robinho.

Secret Hitler

  • Secret Hitler is a voting game of intrigue and deception for groups up to 10 players.
  • To participate, sign up for an account at https://secrethitler.io/ and be able to join Discord voicechat. Voicechat is mandatory.

PVP “Death Arena”

  • Details to be announced.

The Amazing Race 9

  • The Amazing Race 9 continues as teams of two trek across the MRT server and solve various challenges.
  • Participation in TAR 9 is limited to the players who remain in the race at that time, but you can spectate and watch the action on Frumple’s stream at https://twitch.tv/frumple, or the MBS stream.

Bootleg Telephone & Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe

  • Bootleg Telephone is a building game where each player make up a phrase, and then another player must build something to match that phrase. Yet another player then tries to guess what the person was trying to build, and then that answer becomes the phrase for the next round of the game.
  • Utlimate Tic-Tac-Toe is the newest game made by megascatterbomb. Details to be announced.

Jackbox Games

  • Participate in various party games with your fellow MRT members.
  • All you need to play is to be able to watch Frumple’s stream at https://twitch.tv/frumple, and a mobile device or computer in which to input your own answers or vote on other people’s answers. Joining Discord voicechat for this is entirely optional, but greatly enhances everyone’s experience.
