
306 posts

Member applications are being upgraded

Hey all, We have temporarily closed member applications once again, this time to upgrade them to be in-house, locally managed member apps. This means that the applications will (hopefully) become easier to manage on our end, and easier for you to complete as well. (Although we will be redoing the […]

New Rule and Backup Changes

Hey all, We’ve added a new rule regarding dispensers: Dispensers are allowed, but do not use them to dispense lava, water, or spawn eggs. Also, I’ve been doing some tweaking with the backup scripts in an attempt to reduce lag and mass disconnects from the server. Backups now run every […]

Two cool announcements and MRTSw5

Hey all, I’ve got a couple cool announcements for you tonight. First, thomasfyfe has been made a contributor to The Snapshot! You might see footage from him every now and then (including this week — thanks Thomas!), or interviews or whatever from his perspective. Check out his Minecraft / alternate YouTube channel blobstudiosALT, […]

MRTSw4 + new Snapshot page

In case you didn’t figure that out, MRTSw4 is short for “MRT Snapshot week 4”. It’s up on my channel as usual. Also, there’s a new place where all of the Snapshot episodes will hang out from now on so that the homepage blog won’t be cluttered up with Snapshot […]

Spleef Tournament Details!

UPDATE: The Early Bird (first) tournament time has changed. It will now occur at 1:00 PM Pacific, 4:00 PM Eastern, 9:00 PM GMT. My apologies for the incorrect GMT time conversions earlier. If you need to switch tournaments, let me know. So, I’ve got the Spleef tourney details ready! Before […]